Our Lady of Guadalupe


In 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to an indigenous peasant named Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac near Mexico city, requesting that a church be built on that site. When he relayed that message to the local bishop, he was met with skepticism and was asked for a sign to prove the authenticity of his vision.

Once again, Our Lady appeared to Juan Diego and directed him to gather roses, which he found blooming on the barren hillside though it was winter. He gathered the roses in his tilma and brought them to the bishop. When he opened his cloak to reveal the roses, the bishop was astonished to see an image of the Virgin Mary miraculously imprinted on the fabric. This image, rich with symbolism, has brought thousands to conversion. It remains intact to this day in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe where it is venerated by millions of pilgrims every year.

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